You are not looking for a job, but a task. You want to make a difference with your ideas and projects. Your ideas are unconventional and you are looking for like-minded people who appreciate your quirky nature. Instead of black-and-white thinking, all-in agreements and strict hierarchies, you prefer freedom and the chance to make a difference. Then you’re just like us.


Let's get
in touch

If you didn't find a suitable position this time, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will look for a suitable starting time for you.

up to
Skizzieren Ideen...
Bereiten Präsentationen vor...
Sind unholde...
Rendern ein Haus...
Bereiten Präsentationen vor...
Finalisieren etwas asap...
Posten die nächste Instagram Story...
Shooten atemberaubende Fotos...
Sketching ideas...
Prepare presentations...
Are unholde...
Render a house...
Prepare presentations...
Finalise something asap...
Post the next Instagram Story...
Shoot stunning photos...