In short, it’s #mehrdabei.

Are you a mentor, hairdresser, technician, teacher, entertainer, listener, soulmate, comedian, clown, and chef? And all at the same time? Then you probably work in the caregiving sector. As a caregiver, you have more than just a job – you have a calling that goes far beyond nursing and caregiving tasks. With the social media campaign #mehrdabei, we showcase what lies behind the nursing profession and, above all, how life-changing the way these tasks are performed can be for those in need of care. Through short video campaigns, we put caregivers in the spotlight and demonstrate the versatility, emotional depth, challenges, and yet, the immense value of this profession. Beyond the marketing campaign, we have the privilege to shape the entire wayfinding system in the new Campus for Healthcare Professions, creating an exceptional atmosphere for the students.


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