images/Projekte/Huttl%20Lookbook/Huettl%20Lookbook%20Aberjung%20Branding%2020240220-DSC02346.png#joomlaImage://local-images/Projekte/Huttl Lookbook/Huettl Lookbook Aberjung Branding 20240220-DSC02346.png?width=2000&height=1334
The Lookbook for Hüttl combines a tactile experience with visual aesthetics. Printed on fine Munken and Colorplan, it is more than just a catalog; it is a tribute to craftsmanship and the material itself. This tribute is brought to life through the deliberate use of light and shadow, as well as the careful selection of materials - much like the spaces of Hüttl.

The conceptual strength of this Lookbook lies in its ability to communicate the philosophy and working methods of Hüttl through the physical design of the book.

Hüttl Lookbook

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